
Detailed information for customers in Europe and America you can find at the manufacturer official Web-sight

AvaLIBS Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System


3 m cable connection


Plasus and AvaSoft

PelicaseTM dimensions (external)

800 mm long, 520 mm wide, 310 mm deep

Computer Interface

USB 2.0

Dimensions of laser safe sample chamber (shown fitted to LIBS Head)

Approx. 150 mm x 150 mm x 700 mm

Laser Typical Specifications

Laser Type

Big Sky Ultra Q-switched Nd: YAG (Class 4)


1064 nm


50 mJ/pulse

Repetition Rate

Up to 20 Hz

Power Supply (external, water cooled)

100-220 VAC

Power supply Dimensions

370 mm x 200 mm x 180 mm

Pelicase is a Trade Mark of Pelican Products Inc

Spectrometer Specifications

Wavelength Range *

200-900 nm


< 0.1 nm

Detector type

CCD, 2048 pixels per channel

Programmable Integration time delay

min 1.28 µsec, steps 21 ns

Integration time

Min. 1.1 ms

Dimensions (max. 6 channnels inside pelicase housing)

175 x 110 x 44 mm (1 channel)

*depending on # channels

© 2003-2015. LOKAMED Co.Ltd. E-mail:, phone (+7 921)936-20-39, fax (+7 812)234-59-73

Last Updated: 15-02-2015

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