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AvaSpec-2048TEC Thermo-electric Cooled Fiber Optic Spectrometer

AvaSpec-2048TEC Thermo-electric Cooled Fiber Optic Spectrometer

The AvaSpec-2048TEC is a special version of the AvaSpec-2048, where the Sony 2048 CCD detector is mounted on a one-stage Peltier cooling device. This Peltier cooling element can reduce the temperature of the CCD chip by -25-30 °C, improving the dynamic range by at least a factor of 10. As an additional benefit from the cooling the dark noise is reduced by a factor of 2-3.

The above features enable the AvaSpec-2048TEC to be implemented in low light-level applications, such as fluorescence and Raman measurements, where integration times of more than 5 seconds are needed. The AvaSpec-2048TEC can be delivered as one or 2-channel instrument and has all the standard options, gratings and specifications the normal AvaSpec-2048 has.

The AvaSpec-2048TEC is built into a desktop housing, has a cooling fan to actively ventilate the heatsink of the Peltier cooling element and an internal power supply.

The AvaSpec-2048TEC is also available for the USB2 platform with a temperature regulator.

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Last Updated: 15-02-2015

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